Saturday, November 10, 2012

Anne of Green Gables Day Five

Story Time:  

Watch Reading Five - A Sunday School Picnic

Vocabulary Words: 

Truthful - Honesty

Word History Note: The word obey according to the McGraw Hill Children's Dictionary states that the word obey comes from an early French word that means "give ear to" or "pay attention to" 

Bible Study:

"Honesty guides good people..."
Proverbs 11:3a

Memory Verse and Copy Work:    Write the above verse in your journal in your best penmanship.

Anne has left a life of just work, work, work to one that involves play and imagination. It is now that we see Anne is just a typical child. I'm sure you have experienced times when your children are busy at play and seem to tune the world out around them. Being a parent does require patience and understanding as well as discipline. Some of the topics in this chapter are responsibility, honesty and lying. 

Anne was accused of lying to Marilla. She was accused based on circumstances alone unfortunately she ended up doing the very thing she pleaded innocent about. Her desire to go to the picnic outweighed her desire to tell the truth.  This is a wonderful opportunity to discuss with your children about honesty. 

"Truthful words stand the test of time, but lies are soon exposed."
Proverbs 12:19 NLT

Picnic - Picnic - Picnic Time!!!

Children love picnics and you can plan a picnic almost anywhere.  So today have your lunch picnic style (indoors or outdoors will do). All you need is a blanket  and a basket full of goodies to eat. Be creative and let the kids help fill your basket. At the time of this writing it is close to Thanksgiving time so here are a few ideas for your lunch.

Turkey sandwiches - try a grilled cheese and turkey!
Sweet Potato Chips or fries
Pumpkin muffins or cookies
Apple juice or cider
Tea for Mom (I like to make most events tea parties!)


Color and Light (Prisms)

Anne was late getting home due to all the fun she was having with her friends in the woods. The girls decorated their outdoor playhouse with some broken dishes which became their china and a fairy glass. The fairy glass was a prism form an old lamp. The beautiful light that flowed through  the prism was magical to the girls. Today I thought the kids could watch  The Magic School Bus episode on Rainbows. This is a wonderful video that shows how light is converted into color. If you have any prisms around maybe hang one in your window and watch the magic appear. 

Family Activity:

Anne had never tasted ice-cream before if your family eats ice-cream have everyone tell about their first experience eating ice-cream. You decide either go out for ice-cream or make your own at home. The internet has lots of sites to find out how to make ice-cream. Our family has a Vita-mix so making ice-cream at home is easy for us, since we have lactose problems we make our ice-cream with Almond Milk tastes yummy.