Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Anne of Green Gables Day Four

Story Time: 

Watch reading four:  A New Friend

Bible Study: 

A man who has friends must himself be friendly...
Proverbs 18-24a NKJV

Memory Verse and Copy Work:

Write the above verse in your journal using your best penmanship.

Mc Graw Hill Children's Dictionary

Friendly: adj. 1. Welcoming and pleasant toward others. 

This chapter is packed with lots of discussion topics on self-esteem, vanity, peer pressure, friendship, sharing and clothes. Since the topic of self worth is so important I thought we would spend the majority of our time today in the study of God's Word. Reflecting on how He sees us. Begin with the reading of Psalm 139: 13-18 God delighted in us even before we were born. While still in our mother's womb He already had awesome plans for each one of us. His thoughts towards us is more than the sand by the sea imagine that

Anne so much wanted to be loved and accepted by people that sometimes I think she tried to hard to be accepted. Being an orphan had surely affected her self-esteem. Most young girls are concerned about their appearance and want to look nice. The problem lies in when they care to much about what others think of how they look. True beauty comes from within and reflects out. Have you ever met a beautiful girl to only find her mean and unfriendly? It does not matter if every hair is in place and your clothes are perfect if you are not kind and loving you will appear ugly to others. The apostle Paul writes in one of his letters in the Bible that women (or girls) should not be concerned with just their outward appearance (like having the latest styles) but that we should be clothed with the beauty from within. A spirit of gentleness and a quiet spirit which is precious to God. Having a quiet spirit does not mean that you are silent but that your inner self is at peace. You cannot be at peace if you are constantly worried about what others think about you. 

Here is a picture of clothes through the years, talk about what you like and do not like about how clothes have changed for women. If your girls like to draw maybe they come up with their own designs for clothing, have them sketch them in their journals. If your daughters are old enough maybe help them make an outfit to wear. Click on the image to make larger.


Something else Anne so desired was a true friend. As you can see from scripture that you must first be friendly which in return will bring friends. This is also a lengthy topic to cover so if time is an issue you can save this topic for your devotional tomorrow. Talk about what is a healthy friendship; what does scripture say if a friend wrongs you or hurts your feelings; how does God want us to treat one another. There is so much to talk about that I suggest starting with prayer and let the Holy Spirit led you in the discussion.


Anne received a gift of chocolate from Matthew so I thought we would look into how chocolate is made.... my favorite dessert is dark chocolate candy. What is your favorite chocolate dessert? 

I work for Scentsy Family and one of their lines is Velata a Belgium chocolate that is warmed in a electric warmer. Here is how they get their chocolate:

And just for fun and if time permits here is a video of the Hershey World Factory a Full Ride!

Final Thoughts:

The one thing I admired about Anne and Dianna's friendship was that immediately they desired to share with one another. Teaching our children while they are young to be givers is the best gift you can give them. 

Family Activities:

Everyone loves chocolate so how about making some hot chocolate today. My daughter and her kids really like this hot chocolate recipe (with a twist) maybe give it a try.  

Recipe Courtesy from Deceptively Delicious by: Jessica Seinfeld 

1 1/4 cups of nonfat (skim) milk 
1/2 cup sweet potato puree
2 tablespoons chocolate syrup
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice (optional)
Marshmallows, for serving

Combine the milk, sweet potato puree, chocolate syrup, salt and spice in a blender until smooth. Transfer to a saucepan and bring to a simmer. Pour into mugs and top with marshmallows!

Jessica says, that the chocolate syrup hides the sweet potato puree. It's the puree, though, that makes the cocoa so thick and creamy, even made with skim milk. I think I will try mine with some almond milk...yum  This version is a big hit with the grands, enjoy!

Sweet Potato Puree:

Prep: Do not peel. Cut into quarters, if steaming. Leave whole if roasting.
Cook: Steam for 40-45 minutes. Roast at 400 degrees for 50-60 minutes.
Puree: Scoop out the flesh and puree in a food processor or blender. 

For more wonderful recipes by Jessica that your kids will love check out her whole cookbook titled: Deceptively Delicious Simple Secrets  to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food 

The Blessing Game:

Rules for play: Do something nice for someone else without having to be asked and watch for your blessing to come!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Anne of Green Gables Day Three

Vocabulary List:


Story Time:

Today we will begin with our reading time before we go into our Bible study. 


Bible Study:

Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive
anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you,
so you must forgive others. 
Colossians 3:13 NLT 

Write your memory verse in your journal in your best penmanship. 

Today's story showed us the danger of having a bad temper as well as the importance of words. Mrs. Lynde didn't take into account that her words would hurt Anne's feelings. The Bible tells us that harsh words will stir up anger (Proverbs 15:16). It is so important that we think before we speak especially when we are angry. What are some things you can do when you are angry to avoid saying hurtful words?

For your family discussion time watch the Veggie Tales movie: God Wants Me To Forgive Them. You can find the full length movie on youtube titled God Wants Me To Forgive Them (FORGIVENESS) It is approx 32 minutes long. 


Anne decorated her room with beautiful flowers from Green Gables lilacs, violets and apple blossoms. Today we are going to study the apple tree, visit an apple farm  and sing fun songs about... you guessed it Apples! 

Items needed for this section:

How Do Apples Grow By: Betsy Maestro
The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree By: Gail Gibbons

Both these books can be found on amazon if your local library doesn't carry them or you can substitute with a good book that explains the growth of the apple tree. I suggest that you read the stories first then move onto the videos.

Moms, if you go to they have a unit study for Johnny Appleseed under FREE lapbooks. Inside this study you will find some great worksheets that will go along with this study. I chose these three: How Many Seeds, Parts of An Apple and Taste Test. After the kids are done you can glue the mini books right into your journal.

Buy at least four different types of apples to taste test.

Let's Begin by Singing This fun Song!!!

Now we are going to explore an apple farm:

Another Song!

Now it is time to learn some facts about picking apples.

Okay one more song!!! My favorite from Disney's movie on Johnny Appleseed. Here we go...

Family Project:

After tasting all those delicious apples why not make an apple pie or try your skills at applesauce. Whatever you decide it will be yummy.