Friday, December 21, 2012

Anne of Green Gables Day Seven

Bible Study:

...they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.
Mark 16:18b

This chapter is a wonderful example of love, compassion and forgiveness. When crisis happen people will put their differences aside and help one another. It is at this moment that people walk in love. Love thinks of others over itself. Love keeps no record of wrongs. Love is kind. Another form of love is prayer. Praying for others is taking a burden someone is carrying and giving it to the Lord Jesus. It was love that sent Jesus to the cross to reconcile us to God. It was at the cross where we were made whole. I love this verse in Isaiah 53 verses 4 & 5 it says: " Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed."

Today take some time to pray for those you know who are sick. Look up some healing scriptures and meditate on God's truth.

Activity: If you know someone who is sick or in the hospital make a Get Well Prayer Card. Let them know you are praying for them and don't forget to include your favorite verse.

Today's Reading:

Watch today's reading chapter seven , Anne to the Rescue!


Minnie Mae had a case of the croup. Explain to your children what croup is. According to Wikipedia croup is characterized by a "barking cough" , strider, hoarseness, and difficult breathing which usually worsens at night.  Croup is usually deemed to be due to a viral infection. 

Talk with your children about taking certain precautions during flu season. Wash their hands after going to the market. Cover their mouth if they have to cough or sneeze. Make sure they wash their hands after in order not to pass the germs. Drink lots of water and make sure you get some sunshine to absorb the wonderful vitamin D from the sun. Vitamin D helps prevent colds as well as Vitamin C. 

Social Study:

Premier of Canada is who most of the town went to hear give a speech. Today we call this government official the Prime Minister of Canada. The Prime Minister is the head of the government for  Canada whose main job is to advise the Canadian monarch or viceroy on the exercise of the executive powers vested in them by the constitution. Depending on the ages of your children discuss a constitutional monarchy. 

Just for Fun:

Anne and Diana made homemade taffy so today we will look into how taffy is made.

Here is a recipe for you to make at home.



Thursday, December 6, 2012

Anne of Green Gables Day Six

Bible Study: 

You must be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.
James 1:19b

Annes's quick temper gets her into trouble and is her biggest character flaw. We all need to learn patience with one another. If you look at little children they don't listen to well, talk to much and throw tantrums. So we can safely say behaving the opposite of James 1:19 is being childish. 1 Corinthians 13:11 says, "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child; when I became a man, I put away childish things." We are all growing in maturity in this world but we are also growing up in our Christian walk. Everyday we have the opportunity to grow. Just being in relationship with people causes us to grow. The Bible tells us the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). Not only is patience a fruit of the Holy Spirit it is an attribute of love (1 Corinthians 13:4). 

Spending time with the Lord and in His word will help us to live out a life of love and patience toward our children. Modeling a life submitted to the Lord really is the best teacher. Homeschooling my children was my teacher for patience. Everyday I had the opportunity to either walk in love or frustration. For me spending time in the word of God and submitting myself to the leading of the Holy Spirit enabled me to handle each day with peace. 

I know today's devotion was directed to you and not your children mainly because character is caught and not just taught. When you live a life of peace your children will learn to be peaceful. Some of you might have a lot of little ones running around at home and the idea of peace may seem far away. Know this, as you draw your strength from the Lord you as well as your children will grow in peace. 

Today discuss James 1:19 with your children. Explain the difference between being quick and slow that they are opposites. For an activity play an opposite game. 

Write the above verse in your journals in your best penmanship. 

Todays Reading:

Watch the video of chapter six - Trouble For Anne
Tea Party:

Having tea time was brought to Canada by the English settlers. It was very common in Anne's day to have afternoon tea so when Marilla gave her permission to have Dianna over for tea. Anne was ecstatic at the idea.

"I can just imagine myself sitting down at the head
of the table and pouring out the tea.," said Anne, 
shutting her eyes ecstatically. "And asking Diana if she 
takes sugar! I know she doesn't but of course I'll ask
just as if I didn't know."

-Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne of Green Gables

What a fun way to end the week by having a tea party. Pull out the china tea cups, your favorite tea pot and mini spoons. Decorate your table with flowers, candles and don't forget to use a table cloth. What you decide to eat for tea is totally up to you. Maybe have a theme for your tea. Is it near Christmas time? Maybe a chai tea with cranberry scones. Boys and girls alike will enjoy tea time. Have the children make place cards or invitations to tea. Do you have a neighbor who would like to join you? This is a great time to teach etiquette so make sure everyone says please and thank you! I didn't plan a lot to do today so you can enjoy your tea party. Discuss chapter six with your kids talk about offenses and forgiveness. I wish I could be there with you to enjoy the sweetness of the day. So put on something nice to wear and have a fun tea party! Don't forget to take some pictures.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Anne of Green Gables Day Five

Story Time:  

Watch Reading Five - A Sunday School Picnic

Vocabulary Words: 

Truthful - Honesty

Word History Note: The word obey according to the McGraw Hill Children's Dictionary states that the word obey comes from an early French word that means "give ear to" or "pay attention to" 

Bible Study:

"Honesty guides good people..."
Proverbs 11:3a

Memory Verse and Copy Work:    Write the above verse in your journal in your best penmanship.

Anne has left a life of just work, work, work to one that involves play and imagination. It is now that we see Anne is just a typical child. I'm sure you have experienced times when your children are busy at play and seem to tune the world out around them. Being a parent does require patience and understanding as well as discipline. Some of the topics in this chapter are responsibility, honesty and lying. 

Anne was accused of lying to Marilla. She was accused based on circumstances alone unfortunately she ended up doing the very thing she pleaded innocent about. Her desire to go to the picnic outweighed her desire to tell the truth.  This is a wonderful opportunity to discuss with your children about honesty. 

"Truthful words stand the test of time, but lies are soon exposed."
Proverbs 12:19 NLT

Picnic - Picnic - Picnic Time!!!

Children love picnics and you can plan a picnic almost anywhere.  So today have your lunch picnic style (indoors or outdoors will do). All you need is a blanket  and a basket full of goodies to eat. Be creative and let the kids help fill your basket. At the time of this writing it is close to Thanksgiving time so here are a few ideas for your lunch.

Turkey sandwiches - try a grilled cheese and turkey!
Sweet Potato Chips or fries
Pumpkin muffins or cookies
Apple juice or cider
Tea for Mom (I like to make most events tea parties!)


Color and Light (Prisms)

Anne was late getting home due to all the fun she was having with her friends in the woods. The girls decorated their outdoor playhouse with some broken dishes which became their china and a fairy glass. The fairy glass was a prism form an old lamp. The beautiful light that flowed through  the prism was magical to the girls. Today I thought the kids could watch  The Magic School Bus episode on Rainbows. This is a wonderful video that shows how light is converted into color. If you have any prisms around maybe hang one in your window and watch the magic appear. 

Family Activity:

Anne had never tasted ice-cream before if your family eats ice-cream have everyone tell about their first experience eating ice-cream. You decide either go out for ice-cream or make your own at home. The internet has lots of sites to find out how to make ice-cream. Our family has a Vita-mix so making ice-cream at home is easy for us, since we have lactose problems we make our ice-cream with Almond Milk tastes yummy.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Anne of Green Gables Day Four

Story Time: 

Watch reading four:  A New Friend

Bible Study: 

A man who has friends must himself be friendly...
Proverbs 18-24a NKJV

Memory Verse and Copy Work:

Write the above verse in your journal using your best penmanship.

Mc Graw Hill Children's Dictionary

Friendly: adj. 1. Welcoming and pleasant toward others. 

This chapter is packed with lots of discussion topics on self-esteem, vanity, peer pressure, friendship, sharing and clothes. Since the topic of self worth is so important I thought we would spend the majority of our time today in the study of God's Word. Reflecting on how He sees us. Begin with the reading of Psalm 139: 13-18 God delighted in us even before we were born. While still in our mother's womb He already had awesome plans for each one of us. His thoughts towards us is more than the sand by the sea imagine that

Anne so much wanted to be loved and accepted by people that sometimes I think she tried to hard to be accepted. Being an orphan had surely affected her self-esteem. Most young girls are concerned about their appearance and want to look nice. The problem lies in when they care to much about what others think of how they look. True beauty comes from within and reflects out. Have you ever met a beautiful girl to only find her mean and unfriendly? It does not matter if every hair is in place and your clothes are perfect if you are not kind and loving you will appear ugly to others. The apostle Paul writes in one of his letters in the Bible that women (or girls) should not be concerned with just their outward appearance (like having the latest styles) but that we should be clothed with the beauty from within. A spirit of gentleness and a quiet spirit which is precious to God. Having a quiet spirit does not mean that you are silent but that your inner self is at peace. You cannot be at peace if you are constantly worried about what others think about you. 

Here is a picture of clothes through the years, talk about what you like and do not like about how clothes have changed for women. If your girls like to draw maybe they come up with their own designs for clothing, have them sketch them in their journals. If your daughters are old enough maybe help them make an outfit to wear. Click on the image to make larger.


Something else Anne so desired was a true friend. As you can see from scripture that you must first be friendly which in return will bring friends. This is also a lengthy topic to cover so if time is an issue you can save this topic for your devotional tomorrow. Talk about what is a healthy friendship; what does scripture say if a friend wrongs you or hurts your feelings; how does God want us to treat one another. There is so much to talk about that I suggest starting with prayer and let the Holy Spirit led you in the discussion.


Anne received a gift of chocolate from Matthew so I thought we would look into how chocolate is made.... my favorite dessert is dark chocolate candy. What is your favorite chocolate dessert? 

I work for Scentsy Family and one of their lines is Velata a Belgium chocolate that is warmed in a electric warmer. Here is how they get their chocolate:

And just for fun and if time permits here is a video of the Hershey World Factory a Full Ride!

Final Thoughts:

The one thing I admired about Anne and Dianna's friendship was that immediately they desired to share with one another. Teaching our children while they are young to be givers is the best gift you can give them. 

Family Activities:

Everyone loves chocolate so how about making some hot chocolate today. My daughter and her kids really like this hot chocolate recipe (with a twist) maybe give it a try.  

Recipe Courtesy from Deceptively Delicious by: Jessica Seinfeld 

1 1/4 cups of nonfat (skim) milk 
1/2 cup sweet potato puree
2 tablespoons chocolate syrup
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice (optional)
Marshmallows, for serving

Combine the milk, sweet potato puree, chocolate syrup, salt and spice in a blender until smooth. Transfer to a saucepan and bring to a simmer. Pour into mugs and top with marshmallows!

Jessica says, that the chocolate syrup hides the sweet potato puree. It's the puree, though, that makes the cocoa so thick and creamy, even made with skim milk. I think I will try mine with some almond milk...yum  This version is a big hit with the grands, enjoy!

Sweet Potato Puree:

Prep: Do not peel. Cut into quarters, if steaming. Leave whole if roasting.
Cook: Steam for 40-45 minutes. Roast at 400 degrees for 50-60 minutes.
Puree: Scoop out the flesh and puree in a food processor or blender. 

For more wonderful recipes by Jessica that your kids will love check out her whole cookbook titled: Deceptively Delicious Simple Secrets  to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food 

The Blessing Game:

Rules for play: Do something nice for someone else without having to be asked and watch for your blessing to come!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Anne of Green Gables Day Three

Vocabulary List:


Story Time:

Today we will begin with our reading time before we go into our Bible study. 


Bible Study:

Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive
anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you,
so you must forgive others. 
Colossians 3:13 NLT 

Write your memory verse in your journal in your best penmanship. 

Today's story showed us the danger of having a bad temper as well as the importance of words. Mrs. Lynde didn't take into account that her words would hurt Anne's feelings. The Bible tells us that harsh words will stir up anger (Proverbs 15:16). It is so important that we think before we speak especially when we are angry. What are some things you can do when you are angry to avoid saying hurtful words?

For your family discussion time watch the Veggie Tales movie: God Wants Me To Forgive Them. You can find the full length movie on youtube titled God Wants Me To Forgive Them (FORGIVENESS) It is approx 32 minutes long. 


Anne decorated her room with beautiful flowers from Green Gables lilacs, violets and apple blossoms. Today we are going to study the apple tree, visit an apple farm  and sing fun songs about... you guessed it Apples! 

Items needed for this section:

How Do Apples Grow By: Betsy Maestro
The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree By: Gail Gibbons

Both these books can be found on amazon if your local library doesn't carry them or you can substitute with a good book that explains the growth of the apple tree. I suggest that you read the stories first then move onto the videos.

Moms, if you go to they have a unit study for Johnny Appleseed under FREE lapbooks. Inside this study you will find some great worksheets that will go along with this study. I chose these three: How Many Seeds, Parts of An Apple and Taste Test. After the kids are done you can glue the mini books right into your journal.

Buy at least four different types of apples to taste test.

Let's Begin by Singing This fun Song!!!

Now we are going to explore an apple farm:

Another Song!

Now it is time to learn some facts about picking apples.

Okay one more song!!! My favorite from Disney's movie on Johnny Appleseed. Here we go...

Family Project:

After tasting all those delicious apples why not make an apple pie or try your skills at applesauce. Whatever you decide it will be yummy.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Anne of Green Gables Day Two

Vocabulary List: 


Bible Study: 

"A man who has friends must himself be friendly"
Proverbs 18:24 

Who are your friends? What do you like about your friends? Jesus said that we were his friends, (John 15:15).  Isn't that wonderful to be a friend of God!  What does it mean to be friendly? If you want to have good friends you must first be a good friend. Having sisters and brothers is like having instant friends! Treat your siblings well and you will treat your friends well too. 

A Day At The Beach: 

I love how the beach stimulates all of your senses. The smell of the ocean air is so refreshing to me. At the end of the day I like to sit on the beach with my toes in the warm sand. Have you ever buried your toes in the sand? My favorite part of the beach is watching the waves and listening to them crash onto the shore. The sound is so relaxing to me especially after a busy day. (I have a video of ocean sounds for you to enjoy) Swimming in the ocean is fun too except when the salty water gets in my mouth!

You have five senses in which to enjoy the world you live in. I want you to list your five senses in your journal, list one on each page. 

smell  *  hearing  *  touch  *  sight  *  taste


1. For each sense you have listed in your journal write down or draw how you used your senses today. Example - what did you eat for breakfast, how did it taste... sweet?...spicy?
Did you play outside? What did you see, smell, hear and touch??

2. There are many wonderful animals at the beach can you think of a few? I have seen dolphins, sea lions, fish and many different sea birds. Today pick either an ocean animal or sea bird to read about. Draw your animal or bird in your journal. This year we studied sea birds and whales and I think my favorite is the whale. They are wonderful mammals so big and majestic! I will post a video so you can see what I am talking about. 

Here is a video of the seagulls too!

Story Time: 

Watch reading two:  A New Beginning for Anne


"You're only Anne of Green Gables. But it's a million times nicer to be Anne of Green Gables than Anne of nowhere special, isn't it?"

Monday, August 27, 2012

Unit Study Anne of Green Gables Reading One

Anne of Green Gables Day One

Anne of Green Gables is a beautiful story of hope, featuring a young orphaned girl named Anne Shirley. Destiny would rescue her out of the clutches of terrible foster homes and orphanages to a haven called Green Gables.

Vocabulary List:


Bible Study:

God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing 
us to Himself through Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 1:5 NLT

Write the above memory verse in your journal using your best penmanship.
 Discussion Starters: orphan, adoption, hope

Project Idea! 

Home is the nicest place in the world! What do you like about your home? What is your favorite room in the house and why?

Art project: Draw your favorite room in your journal.


Our story takes place on the beautiful Prince Edward Island, Canada. Let's take a moment to watch a video of this island.

Map Skills:  Print out a map of PEI (Prince Edward Island) at:

Color your map in light green.

Story Time! 

Watch the video titled Unit Study Anne of Green Gables Day 1

Anne's World:

Anne traveled by boat from Nova Scotia to Prince Edward Island where she then traveled by train to Avonlea (Cavendish). There were only three ways of traveling in 1876. How do you think people traveled back in Anne's day? How can people travel today? 

Trains... Rail transport Kids Timeline:

Who was the first U.S. President to travel by train? 

Thomas the Train coloring pages:

Imagination Time! 

1. Anne had quite the imagination she especially liked to give names to places she liked. What name would you give your home?
2. Pretend to take a train ride, put chairs in a row and think of a place you would like to go. Don't forget to take turns being the conductor. 

Arts & Crafts: 

Decorate the cover of your composition journal let your imagination soar and have fun!

Intro to Anne of Green Gables Unit Study

Sunday, August 26, 2012

We Must Care for Orphans

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Anne of Green Gables Unit Study

The Anne of Green Gables unit is designed for elementary grade level students. This unit will be filled with ideas, pictures and videos to expand your study. My plans are to have an audio version read by me from The Great Classics for Children. Anxiously my daughters are chopping at the bit for they cannot wait until this is up and running. Please check back in a couple of weeks to see the progress!